Tips & Tricks
7 Ways for Men to Last Longer in Bed
woman nibbling mans ear

Regardless of whether you’re new to the game and looking to improve your skills, or consider yourself a sex aficionado, it’s more than likely that at some point you will or you have experienced an abrupt, unexpected ending to a sexual escapade. With one in three males in the U.S. ages 18 - 59 experiencing premature ejaculation, it’s more common than you may think.  And while there are several possible causes - psychological factors, physical, and more - at the end of the day, it can be frustrating and humiliating to experience a form of sexual dysfunction. That's why we've compiled a list of expert tips for lasting longer in bed and making sure your sexual encounter goes as planned.   

group of people doing yoga in a studio

1. Let’s get physical, physical

One of our favorite ways to improve sexual performance is to keep your heart healthy and happy. In the words of icon Olivia Newton-John, let [us] hear your body talk! Maintaining a consistent cardio exercise routine is essential for keeping your heart healthy and body happy, and as a result, your sex life stays happy. Whether it be a quick run, taking man's other best friend for a hike, or hitting the gym, just 30 minutes a day is enough to get your blood pumping - including down under. Cardio can lead to stronger erections in men, increased arousal in women, and increased libido for improving sexual activity. Keeping it on-brand with the '80s, take a tip from our friends' Simple Minds, and don't you forget about me - xoxo, your pelvic muscles. Strengthening your pelvic floor is important when it comes to beating erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Pelvic workouts, including Kegel exercises, barbell hip thrusts, squats, and kettlebell swings, can strengthen your pelvic floor and prevent your special friend from finishing earlier than anticipated. Strengthening the muscular area around the penis' base and pelvic floor muscles should be at the top of your list for those looking for delayed ejaculation. In addition to conquering erectile dysfunction, it can also drastically improve your sexual stamina in the bedroom. Or your sexual performance in the kitchen... or the backyard...on a washing machine during the spin get our drift!   

Two lattes with artful leaf and heart design

2. Daily cups of joe alleviate issues getting up - and we don’t mean out of bed

American’s love their caffeine! Coffee has been proven to boost energy, improve brain function, increase alertness, and more - the benefits are endless. A 2015 study sheds light on how men who drink 170-375 milligrams of caffeine a day are less likely to experience erectile dysfunction.  So if you’re looking for how to last longer in bed, the lesson here, drink up friends!   

sex toys sit next to a cut open papaya

3. Cortisol - The Copulation Killer

Men’s health suffers from stress and anxiety. Feeling stress from work or even having performance anxiety are hands down some of the worst influences on our sex lives. Cortisol is infamously known as the “stress hormone” and studies show that elevated cortisol levels over a long period of time can lead to chronic stress, which increases depression and anxiety, negatively impacts heart health, leads to dysfunction with memory and cognitive strength, as well as difficulty sleeping (stay tuned to learn why sleep is so important for lasting longer in bed). At the forefront of these problems, cortisol is a top killer of libido, consequently leading to problems in the bedroom and taking the “sex” out of “sexy.” Cortisol can reduce blood flow to the genital area and decrease the testosterone your body naturally produces. For many, the act of getting an erection itself can be a huge stressor; the psychological performance anxiety can make it harder to get one and keep it up, also disrupting orgasming. As previously stated, exercise and elevating your heart rate are great for lasting longer in bed, but also for relieving stress! Partner that with meditation and breathing exercises - and you’ll be good as new.  All the more reason to exercise your body and mind to let out that stressful tension!

4. Why sleep is sexy

Not getting enough sleep can be more detrimental than you think. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night will help keep your brain sharp, your penis hard and your orgasms plentiful. Sleep helps with regulating blood flow, maintaining a healthy immune system, and sustaining proper testosterone levels. When humans don’t get enough sleep, it can change the hormonal balances in their bloodstream, leading to poor testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction. Without healthy testosterone levels, your body has a tougher time pumping blood to your penis, leading to problems with erections and ejaculations.

5. Get that vitamin D 

Throwing it back again to the ’80s, Katrina & The Waves had a point when they said “I'm walking on sunshine… And don't it feel good!” Sunshine is an extremely important source of vitamin D and energy. Millions of people spend all day indoors, especially throughout this last year with the Coronavirus pandemic, causing sun exposure and vitamin D levels to decrease like never before.  Lower amounts of this critical vitamin can lead to decreased testosterone levels, while exposure to the sun and vitamin D and supplements can improve both libido and erectile dysfunction. As with exercising, 30 minutes a day will help supplement this loss and boost testosterone, sexual performance can make sure your D is getting the D it needs, to reach that O. 

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Ultra-gentle, ultra-thick slip. Stays-put for a lasting glide.

6. Make use of your ASTROGLIDE

One of the best things about lube is that anyone can use it for anything at any time.  Lube is by far one of the top supplements for getting down and dirty. It can make sex slicker, safer, and wetter. Using lube can also increase one's self-confidence, making them feel like that sexpert we all crave to be. Consider lube your bedroom BFF - endless flavors, sensations, and textures can make the sexcapade feel more fun and flexible. Wearing a thicker condom and using a condom-safe lube will help desensitize which is another great way to increase your sexual stamina by assisting in delayed ejaculation. On top of enhancing pleasure and alleviating dryness, lube is the best partner for you. Solo play, mutual masturbation, anal fun, toys, and beyond - make sure you pack your ASTROGLIDE for a night of sexventures. If you’re experiencing any issues with erectile dysfunction, lube is the perfect savior, as it can intensify arousal and heighten sensations for yourself and your partner (or partners). The best part? A little goes a long way, so you can keep up the fun, time after time (thank you Cyndi Lauper!).

A banana listening to a stethoscope

7. Pay a visit to your local sexpert

If none of the aforementioned steps are working for you, the next step would be to seek out a sexual health and wellness professional. May we recommend Dr. Josh, ASTROGLIDE’s Sexual Health Advisor? Dr. Josh, being a leader in the sexual health space, constantly manages patient issues with erections and erectile dysfunction. At times, issues with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation may require a medical expert and sex therapist. If something feels off or if you’ve been experiencing these issues long-term, book an appointment with a sexual health professional - nothing is more important than your health and wellness!